
Emiko Minatoya-Shields

Year at Cal: 3rd

Year in the Committee: 3rd

Major: Psychology

Job Description:

I am the Vice Chair of Resources, aka Secretary. I do notes, minutes, agendas, newsletters, and alumni e-mails. I also am in charge of the rest of the Resource branch (holla to my Historians and Traditions) and I have my own banner that we get to march around campus on game days. On the more unofficial side of things I am the Robin to ExComm's Batman, the Sam to ExComm's Frodo, the Phineas to the rest of ExComm's Ferb. I keep them fed, happy, and well hugged.

Brief Biography:

I have always been a cat. Being a cat was encouraged from an early age by my small ewokian mother and circus father. I'm from the wooded, highly caffeinated, fairly overcast state of Washington. I have always been awesome.

Why did you decide to be a part of the Executive Committee?

One of my favorite moments in Rally Comm is after we finsih lighting the campus for Big Game Week and everyone gets to take a second to relax and take in how beautiful our university is.

If you could claim credit for one invention, what would it be?

The inventor of Daily's.

Who would play you in a movie about your life?


If you had a time machine, where would you go?

I would go into the future where hypoallergenic cats are finally affordable and my savings account will have collected enouch interest for me to be rich.


What would you rather be doing instead of filling out this survey?

Eating baked goods.


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